Wednesday Cello Hangout

Monday, April 18, 2022 11:45:01:000: PM

Happy Spring Cello Friends!

Hi cello friends,

Thank you all for all your wishes for my Mom. Unfortunately she has had some new complications with her recovery and these have necessitated my return to my parents’ house to help with her care. I am sure this will be a temporary situation and she will be back on the road to recovery soon. (And if you are someone who knows about back surgery complications, please send me a message.)

I hope you’ve had a great weekend wherever you are. I have been very busy with quite a few performances, especially this Easter weekend.  

I have enjoyed seeing lots of you on the chat threads during my live editing streams on facebook.  Starting those back up tomorrow. It’s so good to know you’re out there - helps me to be focused and work hard, and keeps me company. I hope it has been interesting for you! Almost ready for the next stage - the final assembly of the video and audio…

I also really enjoyed our zoom hang-out session 9 days ago!  ! It was a great chance to catch up on what everyone’s been up to, and share some time together as a cello community. I was pleased to share my solo cello arrangement of In My Life by the Beatles. 

And I am happy to announce that I will be sharing another one this week as promised - another Beatles classic - Blackbird! So I do hope you’ll join me this Wednesday at 2pm CST - for some more chat, general Q&A, stories, and some cello playing too - Here are the links:



Here is a link to catch up on last week’s session too:

1. In My Life - Cello Hang-out live session

For now, keep practicing and see you at the live hang-out on Wednesday!

Cello love from,

Tony Rogers,

Austin TX